Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Today I biked 300 miles, meeting my current daily goal. Yay!! It's been difficult to do, since I have a full time job, I raise farm animals, have 3 hours of derby practice each day and grow and make all of my food. But if you set your mind to something, anyone can do it. I get so tired of hearing people complain about how much they have to do. Seriously people, it's not that hard. Today I woke up, biked 150 miles to the beach and back, swam at the beach to cool off before I returned, lifted weights, fed the chickens, walked my dog, ground my dog's food in the hand mill, milked my goat,  painted a picture, fixed the antique car engine I've been working on lately, chopped some wood, harvested vegetables, made buckwheat noodles and pesto from scratch for my lunch, showered, and biked to work. I feel great! I brought a serious protein smoothie with me which was awesome!! My coworkers looked at me funny for drinking this green thick warm smoothie but they have no idea what they're missing! Anyway, then I had to go sit in a meeting with idiots for 4 hours. People are SO DUMB. Thanks facebook for entertaining me during my meeting! I left work and biked another 150, no big deal. Biking is so easy. Anyone can do it. It's time for me to demo my basement steps. It'll just take me a minute. Tomorrow before work I'll rebuild. I hope my legs aren't too sore tomorrow.

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